I was watching a Movie, an old favourite, and my wife asked
me how the Writer of that movie must have wrote it, how he must have approached
this story or subject, what was he thinking. I tried my best to explain the
general ways Writers approach the story and start expanding it in a screenplay.
Then she asked me ‘can she learn Screenwriting?’
“Yes...Anybody can write a Screenplay!”
She said that she doesn’t want to sit through classes or
read heavy and lengthy Screenwriting books; she may get bored easily. I asked
then how she would like to learn the process. And then she asked: which
is the easiest way to learn the craft of Screenwriting?
For a moment, I was speechless. But my mind was working and
processing different ideas with the speed of light. How can you understand the
small details of a Script, the nuances of a Character, the journey of the
protagonist, etc. without attending any Screenwriting Seminar or Classes or
without reading any book? And I kept thinking:
“A Screenplay is a Blueprint to make a Movie. And it is that
Magic of what happens between Printed Page of Script and Final
Print of the Movie that can inform how you approach writing scenes.”
Then how can you learn about that Blueprint of a
particular Movie? And then I found the answer...
“The single best thing you can do to learn the craft of
Screenwriting is to read the Script of the Movie while watching it.”
I, myself, was shocked to realise the easiest way of
learning the Screenwriting. My Wife couldn’t believe with the simplest way of
learning Screenwriting. She was pretty impressed. I won her heart, again. But,
yes, I had found the simplest way of learning the Craft of Screenwriting.